From Allowance to Entrepreneur: The Inspiring Story of A Young Man's Startup Journey

In this week's issue of personality unveiling, The Prosperity Ark's Correspondent, Oluwagbemisola Akinjobi spent an amazing time interviewing Mr Emmanuel, a Brand Strategist and Digital Consultant who took his time to explain how his business came about and how he has remained motivated to keep his business running.

Oladipupo Emmanuel, Digital Konsolt, Articles, Interviews

GWC: Can we meet you?

EMMANUEL: I am Oladipupo Emmanuel Jesudara. I'm a Brand Strategist and Digital Consultant. I am the Creative Director of Digital Konsolt, a top digital firm that is committed to meeting the digital needs of entrepreneurs, business owners and corporate bodies. I give expert opinions, analyses and recommendations for businesses, organisations, and companies, based on expertise. I give objective troubleshooting and provide strategies to improve business performance through result-driven solutions.

Based on mastery, I am well-versed in digital channels, platforms, tools and techniques, helping businesses create and implement strategies in marketing, public relations, web development, branding and related digital fields.

GWC:  Amazing! I'm choked up! (Lol)

GWC: You recently started your business and launched a book - "Your all-in-one start-up Manual". How did you feel when you received your first orders?

EMMANUEL: Of course, I was very happy when I nailed my first contract. I felt I finally found an opportunity to meet people's needs.

GWC: What are your aspirations for the future?

EMMANUEL: One of my aspirations for the future is to consult for all the largest companies in Africa, being the most sought-after Digital Consultant in Africa. I also aspire to successfully raise many giant business leaders of tomorrow, who will power the Nigerian economy.

GWC:As regards your dreams and aspirations, what are/are your greatest fear(s)?

EMMANUEL: One of my fears is that many business owners don't realise the need for a consultation service for their business. This streamlines my clientele to only those who value consultation services.

GWC: Hmm…if you will permit me to ask sir, how then did you get the capital to start up your business because not too many business owners know about your type of business?

EMMANUEL:  (Smiles) Well, I saved up my schooling allowance for six months and invested it as capital for my business.

GWC: Amazing! I can imagine the determination while saving up. Kudos to you sir.

GWC: What other things do you do apart from being a businessperson?

EMMANUEL: Apart from business, I'm a strong fan of music. I minister in songs, alongside my musical band.

GWC: We have always been told that life is not always a bed of roses, so, what has been your source of strength in times when you felt like quitting?

EMMANUEL: My past achievements were my source of strength in times I felt like quitting. I believe our achievements are not just for us to brag about, but also a source of motivation in weak times. I always say to myself, "If I can achieve A and B, I can also achieve C".

GWC: What and who inspires you?

EMMANUEL:  The determination to become financially independent was what inspired me. I had decided I would no longer continue to depend on my parents for resources so that gave me a major push. The three people who keep inspiring me are my pastor, best friend, and mentor. 

GWC: I can see you have awesome people around you, sir. That's good.

Given this, what would you love to say to encourage other students who do business?

EMMANUEL: I will like to encourage every studentpreneurs that the best time to establish their business is while they're still in school. This is because, by the time they graduate, they won't be left with just one option of looking for jobs. In addition to that, I'll also encourage every student who is into business to join a community I founded, The Studentpreneurs Network. This is a community where I teach studentpreneurs how to run a profitable business sustainably, which makes them earn (in business), as they learn (in school).

GWC: What do you think about the Nigerian Academic Sector? What things do you hope to see improvements on?

EMMANUEL: The Nigerian Academic Sector should have academic syllabuses that are designed and structured to communicate knowledge that can be more practical and can also be implemented to solve various problems in our society. I believe that knowledge that cannot be implemented is just information!!! And it will likely not give any solution. We don't want more information, we want more solutions, to cater for the existing problems in our society.

GWC: True! Finally, before we end this interview, sir. Have you been following The Prosperity Ark and which of our articles is your favourite so far?

EMMANUEL: Yes, I've been following and I can say every article has been interesting and educative. My favourite one among them all is the article titled, " 3 Sure Steps in Becoming a Business Giant" because it has made me much more confident that indeed, I am a business giant.

GWC: Wow, wow, wow!

For the sake of people who wish to reach out to you, do you mind sharing your social media links, sir?

EMMANUEL:Sure, no problem. You can reach me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

GWC: Indeed, It has been a time well spent so far sir and we are very grateful to you for granting us a part of your precious time. To this end, we wish you a happy life and a successful endeavour in all you do.


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