There is a seed of greatness in every person. However, each person has the duty to cultivate their seed(that is, their potential), watch over it and in the end, magnify the tree it becomes. This implies that a level of deliberateness must be involved in personal development, growth and greatness in life.
There are stories of men and women who decided to take their lives in their hands and were deliberate about calling out the greatness in them. LeTourneau, a French inventor of earth-moving machines is a typical example of someone who had been tagged as having no hope for his future yet, is highly revered today all around the world. What made the difference? When did the shift start? Was it a coincidence that LeTourneau became an inventor?
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is making waves in the economic and financial sector today, is another example of how one can choose the discipline of deliberateness over the lackadaisical attitude of mediocrity. You can read her biography to get inspired. Other men and women making waves in their sectors alongside other secrets to success that they have discovered will be shared as the year runs along. Do ensure to come back to read them!
In this article, we will highlight some of the major keys and tips some of these men and women knew to achieve the massive and transgenerational greatness we know them to have.
1. Rejoice in your portion
One sure way to herald your greatness is to rejoice in your portion. Your portion is what has been put in your care by inheritance, by title or by trust. When you rejoice in your portion, it means you are going beyond the limits and doing above and beyond what is expected of you with due excellence. It is when you attain this stage that you can dote on your job, career, ministry, academics, nation and family.
Do not be the one always complaining of his nation’s economy or security states. Always maintain your happiness and hope for the best wherever you have found yourself. For me, there is currently no better place to live in than Nigeria! You could be in Cambodia or Indonesia or Singapore, let that place be the best thing that could have happened to you. You could be a captain in the army right now, do not wish you were in politics - magnify where you are!
Refuse to see what is not working out - this is not to encourage indifference but instead, train yourself up to see the beauty wherever you find yourself in. Bring your joy on scene and thus magnify a little company until it becomes a thousand. One sure key to multiplication is rejoicing and increasing your efforts joyfully.
2. Enjoy learning
The man who stops learning automatically starts dying. No matter his age, race, status or even height. He begins to degrade gradually. BE THE LEARNED ONE. Be the one who learns something new everyday. Make a choice to become better everyday. We become the choices that we make.
3. Add value
You are valuable. You are great. DO NOT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
Kenyon, a great man once said, “Make yourself a wanted person. Be so valuable that if you had to move, men and women would weep because of your departure. Go under your own steam, prepare yourself and doors will open to you everywhere”.
Add value to your community - to your class, as a student, your workplace, your sector and your country. You will then discover that the more you give, the more you have to give and the better you become. When you reach this point, know that greatness is right at your fingertips!
4. Keep showing up
A wise man once told me: It is a miracle to show up everyday. If you don't herald your greatness, no one else will. If you do not show up, many things will not have your pattern of authenticity on it. There is something about you giving the answer that makes it unique. YOUnique.
I hope you have had a great time and are set for exploits in your sector. Let us know how this article helped you. See you next time!
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