A new year is often a time for a fresh start, businesses closed for the previous year, starting on a new page, individuals also start on a new page, desiring differently now. The fresh start effect usually propels people to want to make changes.
Keeping to it and being able to tick off those boxes gives real joy, Here are some tips to help us with our resolutions:
1. Make specific goals: While having the big picture in mind, have a step by step way of achieving it.
After setting goals, discover the smallest unit which it can be broken down into, stick to it, in no time, it'll be done.
If you want to read at least 12 books this year, you could decide it'll be a book every month, 10 pages per week. This will help in achieving the set goals.
A quote by Creighton Abrams says "The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time".
2. Set realistic goals: I know you want to achieve a lot of things, there's a lot you can do, but it'll be better when you don't overload yourself or end up achieving half or less than half, or end up doing shabby work.
What is worth doing is worth doing well, so why not stick to those things you know you'll be able to achieve, it can be quite demoralizing when you set goals and then don't get to achieve them.
3. Consistency: The Oxford dictionary defines consistency as the way a substance holds together. In order to achieve a set out goal, one needs to be consistent with the process. This could be achieved with setting constant reminders to do particular things when needed.
4. Have an accountability partner: an accountability partner is someone who helps you stay on track and committed to your goals. This could be a trusted friend, who would constantly check in on you, who you could discuss your progress with. This will help keep you on track and also improve.
Setting new year resolutions is a good thing to do. While you're at it, remember it's okay to make mistakes and have certain fallbacks, just take it a step at a time and don't stop trying.
Wishing you a successful year!
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